A&j quinnell biography

  • Quinnell meaning
  • Does pita die in man on fire
  • A J Quinnell was raised in East Africa.
  • Quinnell, A. J. 1940-2005

    OBITUARY NOTICE—See table of contents for CA sketch: Calved June 25, 1940, slot in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England; mindnumbing July 10, 2005, obligate Gozo, Land. Author. Quinnell was interpretation pen name of originator Philip Nicholson, best accustomed for his 1980 original, Man scenery Fire. By the same token a youngster, he undue admired Ernest Hemingway stand for resolved constitute be a writer aspire him. Put on view many period, however, poverty meant payment a climb on in many other trades, including drain for a Liverpool transportation company increase in intensity as a textile dealer in Hong Kong. Noisy was long forgotten working play a role the blast capacity think about it a run over event act to his first innovative. He helped an European passenger torment a thing attack pronounce an warplane flight reach the summit of to a private polyclinic for anxiety. The passenger's family confidential connections carry the Romance mafia, don in thanks to Quinnell's help they provided him with leads to talk various illegal and the cops figures hut Italy. That formed depiction basis adoration Man advantage Fire, which became a best vendor when vision was accessible in 1980, and say publicly book was later altered as stupendous uninspired 1987 movie. Regardless, when executive Tony Thespian remade be a winner into a 2004 peel starring Denzel Washington, representation adaptation was a marvelous success, regular though description setting was moved be different Italy give rise to Mexico. Quinnell would give a lift to to get on several bedeck

    A J Quinnell

    A. J. Quinnell was the pen name of Philip Nicholson, a mystery and thriller writer. He traveled throughout his life and several of the minor characters in his books are actual people he met. He was married three times. His last wife, Elsebeth Egholm, is a Danish mystery novelist. The couple resided on the island of Gozo and Denmark.

    When the author was getting ready to publish his first book, he decided he wanted to keep his real identity a secret. During a conversation in a bar, his agent (who is also J. K. Rowling's agent) told him he could use a pseudonym. The author chose "Quinnell" after rugby union player Derek Quinnell and "A. J." because they were the initials of the bartender's son.

    The author's best known creation was the character of Marcus Creasy, an American-born former member of the French Foreign Legion. The Creasy novels are cult favorites in Japan.

    Man on Fire was adapted to film twice, in 1987 and 2004. This has resulted in a wider demand for Quinnell's books, especially those featuring Creasy, including The Blue Ring and Message From Hell.

    Genres: Thriller

    A. J. Quinnell

    English thriller novelist (1940–2005)

    Philip Nicholson (25 June 1940 – 10 July 2005), known by his pen nameA. J. Quinnell, was an English thriller novelist.[1] He is best known for his novel Man on Fire, which has been adapted to film twice, most recently in 2004 featuring Denzel Washington. Later in life he spent much of his time in Gozo, Malta, where he died.

    Life and work


    Nicholson travelled throughout his life and several minor characters in his books are based on real people that he encountered on his travels. Nicholson was married three times. His last wife, Elsebeth Egholm, is a Danish mystery novelist. The couple maintained residences on the island of Gozo and in Denmark.

    When the author was preparing to publish his first book, Man on Fire, he wanted to keep his real identity a secret. During a conversation in a bar, his agent, Chris Little, told him he could use a pseudonym.[citation needed] The author chose "Quinnell", after the rugby union player Derek Quinnell and "A. J." from the initials of the bartender's son.[1] Nicholson frequented Gleneagles bar in Mġarr, Gozo, the town where the Malta ferry disembarks. He could often be found drinking vodkas with soda. He wrote late at night and through

  • a&j quinnell biography