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Dean's List
Provost's Office
Hofstra University congratulates the following students for their successful achievement in being named to the Dean's List/Provost's List for the most recent semester. We applaud their impressive success and recognize that past achievement is an excellent predictor of continued future achievement.
Dr. Charles Riordan
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Most Recent: Provost's List | Dean's List
Past Lists
Students must meet the following requirements:
- Must have a GPA of ;
- Full-time students must complete at least 12 hours per semester in letter grades other than P, and have no grades of INC;
- Part-time students must complete at least 12 hours over their two most recent semesters in attendance, must earn letter grades other than P, have no grades of INC, and must not have been full-time students during the period under consideration;
- Only courses taken in residence at Hofstra may be used to satisfy the requirements for Dean's List.
Note: This list is not final and will be continually updated as grades are posted.
Syed M. Abbas
Nicholas J. Abbate
James P. Abbene
Shahad Abdalla
Shady Aboelnasr
Hanna Abraham
Kenneth C. Accetta
Ved T. Acharya
Carolyn D. Acker
Alyssa N. Acosta
Congratulations to those who unchanging the defeat Dean's List!
Last Names:A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Justin Abbamonte
Eamonn Abdulrahman
Leena Abdulrahman
Madison Abood
Natalie Abram
Alana Abrams
Yaritza Aca
Matthew Aceto
Dylan Achatz
Dylan Ackerman
Mackenzie Adair
Grace Adams
Michael Adamson
Suzan Adekunle
Ariana Adelman
Kaitlyn Adlassnig
Martina Adornetto
Alixandria Agathos
Ella Aglietti
Gianna Agosto
Janice Aguayo
Callie Ahern
Danielle Ahern
Kaleigh Ahern
Din Ahmetaj
Lendina Ahmetaj
Osama Alahmari
Bayan Alarumi
Sedra Alasadi
Abigail Alberino
Jason Albert
Megan Albert
Nicole Albert
Christina Alessandrini
Avery Alfano
Nicolas Alfano
Quinn Alfano
Bolen Alfreh
Rosanna Alibrandi
Madissen Aligo
Mark Aliscio
Anthony Alison
Arya Alla
Alexandra Allan
Kristen Alleva
Melissa Almeida
Julia Alt
Ashley Altieri
Aidan Altorelli
Justin Altorelli
Justin Alves
Nicole Alves
Victoria Alves
Charles Amatrula
Katelyn Ambrose
Luke Amell
Faith Ames
Bridget Amone
Chloe Amos
Emily Andersen
Teresa Andersen
Grace Anderson
Jason Anderson
Troy Andreoli
Michael Angeletti
Jillian Angeramo
Katherine Annear
Onward, Symphoria Donors
We are grateful to the following donors for their generous gifts received between June 1, and June 29, Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy in the listing below, but if you find a discrepancy please contact Kelly Covert at kcovert@ or ()
Gifts received as part of this major gift campaign. Donors making campaign gifts of $20,+ receive recognition for underwriting a musician’s chair or sponsoring a concert for 3 years.
Anonymous: Principal Viola Chair
David & Cheryl Abrams: One Masterworks Concert each year
Estates of Evelyn Brenzel & Ann Marie Cronin: Choral Concerts
Paul Brown & Susan Loevenguth: Second Horn Chair
William & Nancy Byrne: Fifth Cello Chair
Barbara Davis: Assistant Principal Bass Chair in memory of Leslie Davis
Michael & Alice Kendrick: Principal Percussion Chair
Lou & Kathy Lemos: Principal Bass Chair
Dr. Paul E. Phillips & Sharon P. Sullivan: Principal Flute Chair in memory of Frederick B. Parker, M.D.
David A. A. Ridings: Assistant Concertmaster Chair
Estate of Mary Ellen Trimble
Mary Ann Tyszko: Timpani Chair
Gifts received annually to support Symphoria’s mission to engage and inspire all community members throughout Central New York with outstanding orchestral an