Cherno jobatey biography meaning

  • Whatever the weather, the local reporter.
  • He was born and raised in Berlin.
  • Cherno Jobatey studied political science at the Free University in Berlin, went to Los Angeles on a scholarship and, as he says himself, ended.
  • Did the Boss help bring down the Berlin Wall?

    When Bruce Springsteen spoke out against the Berlin Wall at the biggest concert in East German history in 1988, no one in the crowd of 160,000 had the faintest idea that the symbol of the Cold War would soon be history.

    But now — 20 years after the American rock star went behind the Iron Curtain — organizers, historians and people who witnessed it say his message came at a critical juncture in German history in the run-up to the Wall’s collapse.

    It was not the only show that summer with political fallout. In June, a concert for Nelson Mandela’s 70th birthday in London was beamed to millions worldwide. Two years later he was freed from an apartheid jail and later elected South Africa's president.

    Such concerts for a cause remain part of the summer music calendar, even if their impact is diluted in the internet age.

    Springsteen, an influential songwriter and singer whose lyrics are often about people struggling, got permission at long last to perform in East Berlin in 1988.

    Even though his songs are full of emotion and politics, East Germany had welcomed him as a “hero of the working class.” The Communists may have unwittingly created an evening that did more to change East Germany than Woodstock did to the United States.


  • cherno jobatey biography meaning
  • Cherno Jobatey – From Berlin to the World of Media

    Suit, sneakers and a dazzlingly broad smile – these hallmarks have made TV journalist Cherno Jobatey a brand name on German television. A media personality based not only on packaging, but more importantly on content: news competency, show qualities, an unflappable interview style and irrepressible good humor. Germany’s most well-known “early bird” has forged a career for himself – and its path was astonishingly straightforward for a TV personality….

    A Native Berliner

    He was born and raised in Berlin. A family of five, mostly without a father, sharing 2 ½ rooms – optimum conditions for the development of a fighting spirit. Sufficient amounts of pocket money would only be available if he took care to earn it: repairing bicycles, selling shoes, delivering flowers, waiting tables. He learnt soon that to achieve his goals he’d have to work harder than the rest. Cherno studied political sciences at the Free University in Berlin, financing his studies by interpreting, teaching guitar and spending many a night as a DJ. As the guitarist of Groove Gangster GmbH, Cherno Jobatey developed a feel for stage and audience. Once the band was even the opening act for Herbert Grönemeyer.

    Dream Job: Journalist

    During all that tim

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