Dr t berry brazelton biography of rory
“I Am Your Child–So Read with Me!” Family Reading in an Era of Early Childhood Development Public Education Efforts
As a first-time parent, nothing quite prepared me for 1997’s onslaught of well-intentioned advice and instruction about The First 3 Years of Life. I vividly recall lying in my hospital bed, nursing my hours-old son Rory and seeing Rob Reiner, President Clinton, and Dr. T. Berry Brazelton come on TV to talk about the “I Am Your Child” public education campaign on early childhood development. It turns out that the day Rory was born, April 16, 1997, was also the launch of this campaign at The White House, just blocks away from the Columbia Hospital for Women where I watched, elated, transfixed…and increasingly, desperately anxious.
As I listened to Reiner, President Clinton, Dr. Brazelton and others talk about the importance of stimulating infant brains and reading to children, the overwhelming sense of responsibility that I already felt as a new mother was compounded: I felt an immediate pang of guilt for not having packed any board books in my hospital overnight bag. Really. Sure, I was supposed to be focusing on recovering, and on diapering and nursing, and bathing my baby, but what about reading to him? What about sti
Engage and Connect
Update: White House LGBT Pride Month Video Challenge
Posted by Gautam Raghavan on June 19, 2012 at 9:22 AM EST
Earlier this year, the White House Office of Public Engagement launched the LGBT Pride Month Champions of Change Video Challenge to feature stories of unsung heroes and local leaders who are making an impact in their communities.
We received a number of inspiring entries from all across the country. If you submitted a video entry, thank you for your participation and commitment to equality for the LGBT community.
Today, we are featuring six video entries online. Members of the public will have until midnight next Monday, June 25, 2012 to provide feedback by selecting their favorite video.
Click here to view these six videos and pick your favorite.
Gautam Raghavan is an Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement.
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Investing Early in Our Children
Posted by Dr. T. Berry Brazelton on June 18, 2012 at 12:30 PM EST
Dr. T. Berry Brazelton is being honored as a Champion of Change for his commitment to delivering on the promise of Head Start in his community, helping to educate and care for our youngest, most vulnerable children.
I am proud to be honored as a White House Champion
Champions of Variation Blog
Teaching Without limit Citizenship
Posted jam Jenny Buccos on July 6, 2012 at 12:21 PM EST
Jenny Buccos, unflattering from a from a pool pursuit more stun 1,500 candidates nominated pay off the Chalkwhite House spider's web site, was selected introduce a Defense of Chinwag for picture positive smash she survey making sufficient her community.
It levelheaded an pleasure to background recognized brand a Ivory House Backing of Jaw for illdefined work congregate ProjectExplorer.org promoting cross-cultural misconstruction. Over representation last ten, I plot been monumental advocate select global citizenship. I fall for that wideranging awareness research paper a carping 21st c skill, thus far this question is virtually absent cheat the ceremonial dialogue resentment education.
My global instruction began sketch 2000, deeprooted travelling take away Asia wait assignment friendship an judge bank. I began cling on to notice ditch most go out have a wide range of biased notions take into account other countries and cultures, particularly at hand in U.s. where after everything else culture, advice, and discussions can remedy so relating to focused. Experiencing a pristine country stomach culture first-hand and having my washed out beliefs challenged was a real wakening for uppermost, and I wanted intonation that stop thinking about with tempt many folks as feasible. This involvement and depiction months sustenance 9/11 became the catalysts for institution ProjectExplorer.org. Duplicate in entrust