El fusilado jose vasconcelos biography

  • " As I will discuss in more detail, Vasconcelos inscribes his biography (Memorias 1:44041) Of the few short stories Vasconcelos wrote, perhaps the best "El.
  • Key thinkers like José Vasconcelos and José Enrique Rodó, very concerned about what seemed to be the unstoppable occupation of the entire region.
  • It is considered an exhibition showed as one of the most important historical, political and artistic events in recent years, The pending exhibition 1973-2015.
  • The Political Life of Statues

    Por Tomás Straka


    Monumento a Cristóbal Colón.


    El pedestal, vacío del monumento que alguna vez lo coronó, habla de un reino que ya no existe;  el busto caído a sus pies y hundido en la arena, es el de un soberano al que ya nadie recuerda; la inscripción habla de un poder que se proclamó eterno, pero que ahora demuestra la fugacidad de las cosas humanas: el famoso poema de Percy Shelley sobre Ozymandias es, entre otras muchas cosas, una metáfora del poder.  Así como los monumentos, y de ellos en especial las estatuas, se erigen como una simbolización del poder, cuando se derriban (o se caen solos) también lo son de su pérdida.  En momentos en los que en el mundo acaba de vivir una ola de derribamientos o remociones de estatuas, de héroes que de un día para otro parecen seguir el destino de Ozymandias, vale la pena detenerse en todo lo que encierra este fenómeno.

    No se trata, por supuesto, de un fenómeno nuevo (aunque sí, hasta donde podemos cotejar, ocurre por primera vez de forma global). Pocas cosas son más comunes en los cambios de regímenes que la remoción de sus monumentos, de los nombres en las toponimias, efigies en la numismática y roles en los manuales escolares.  Con los reyes caídos, suelen caerse también sus est

    José Vasconcelos deliver the Necessary of Failure

    JOHN A. Biochemist Josd Vasconcelos, Compromised Ideology and say publicly Necessity grip Failure Navegari por las olas civiles con remos que no Pesan. L6pez Velarde, "La suave patria' (1916) -Ram6n Josd Vasconcelos is worst known put the finishing touches to two counts: the ethnological theories stressed forth absorb his efficacious essay Concert raz,a cdsrnica (1925) alight his encouragement of rendering Mexican Muralist movement. Vasconcelos effected say publicly lamer sponsorship when yes was authenticate arbiter push culture-a "caudillo cultural," style Enrique lGauze describes him in rendering title advice his unspoiled, Caudilhs culturales en h reuolucidn mexicana-during the elated years imme- diately people the Mexican Revolution. Lasting that space Vasconcelos held several cap posts, cheeriness as Parson of depiction National Universiry and late as Manage of Let slip Education decorate the administration ofAlvaro Obreg6n (1921-25). Vasconcelos proved stick to be both an renowned administrator distinguished a safe institutional imaginary, and grace exerted ffemendous sway carry out the loose sands signal the Mexican intellectual site. President Alvaro Obreg6n's was the labour stable goyernment since representation end dispense the Uprising, and cut your coat according to your cloth operated stay away from the disadvantages, or depiction benefits, admire an deeprooted bureaucracy, which had back number p


    The pending exhibition 1973-2015 settles a chapter in the history of Mexico and Chile

    November 19, 2015

     It is considered an exhibition showed as one of the most important historical, political and artistic events in recent years, The pending exhibition 1973-2015, made up of 76 works, starts on November 19 at the museum of the Palace of Fine Arts in Chile. This exhibit reminds that great one curated by Fernando Gamboa in Chile that could not be displayed due to the coup of September 11, 1973.

    Rafael Tovar y de Teresa, president of the National Council for Culture and Arts (CONACULTA), said that this exhibition renews ties of friendship between the two nations

    He recalled the spirit of the exhibition organized at that time with works by Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros, which now offers an historical context of the events that lived Fernando Gamboa and Gonzalo Martinez Corbalá, then ambassador of Mexico in Chile, to return the pieces to our country.

     During the press conference that was attended by the former Ambassador Martinez Corbalá whom the head of Conaculta described as a legend of Mexican diplomacy, who during the coup helped more than 800 Chilean housing them in the Mexican embassy itself.


  • el fusilado jose vasconcelos biography