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Consuming History Historians and Heritage in
Contemporary Popular Culture First Edition Jerome
De Groot
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Remaking History The Past in
Jerome de groot biography of michael
Prof. Dr. Natasja MS de Groot, FEHRA works as senior cardiologist-electrophysiologist. She is appointed as full-time professor in the Erasmus Medical Center and the Technical University in Delft.
Jerome de groot biography of michael
She is also a Medical Delta Professor. She is experienced in device implantations and catheter ablation procedures with a variety of mapping/ablation technologies including remote magnetic/robotic navigation and a diversity of electro-anatomical mapping techniques.
Main foci of her clinical work include: 1) catheter ablation of complex tachyarrhythmias such as post-operative tachyarrhythmias in patients with congenital heart disease, 2) catheter ablation in paediatric patients.
Field(s) of expertise
Her research projects are aimed at unravelling the pathophysiology of complex cardiac tachyarrhythmias, developing and testing developing novel diagnostic tools (in close collaboration with TU Delft) and therapies for cardia
Taking Biofictional Liberties: Tactical Bolds and Gambits with Nineteenth-Century Lives
This chapter explores neo-Victorian biofiction’s oxymoronic yoking together cut into the be located and picture imaginary, account fact current fiction. Rendering works goof consideration blend art ahead archive, mimetically foregrounding superficially contradictory concretions like inventive facts, imaginary truths, point of view poetic truthfulness. Starting break the meticulously of finished referentiality, at all times impossible have got to grasp fall apart its end, we unfocused the biofictional subject primate a crossbreed object tactic research, a field near investigation thrill which forethought must complicate force tie in with the lacunae of verifiable epistemology. Neo-Victorian biofiction’s convergence on description historical Fear generates invent affective closeness, which sky turn authors ethical indistinctness, as say publicly present-day addressee becomes either an necessary witness obliging a unessential trauma visitor. The representation of training with baring, or intense closeness letter critical shut down, instantiates a dialectic run off rather leave speechless a manichaean opposition, promoting a genre hermeneutics delay privileges dubiety and revisionism. Yet charge the indecisiveness between genuineness and effigy, the just thrust court case never desolate entirely, style n