John malcolm fraser biography of william shakespeare

  • Was malcolm fraser: a good prime minister
  • What did malcolm fraser do for australia
  • Malcolm fraser previous offices
  • PM Transcripts

    September 22, 1976

    I am delighted to be here today at a function that helps celebrate the 50th birthday-of an old acquaintance. 

    I have been reading the Canberra Times for around 21 years. That is what happens when people come to Canberra as politicians  they have to read the Canberra Times. It is almost the golden rule. I must confess that over the years the Canberra Times news and comment pages have filled me with a variety of emotions.

    They still do.

    There is not a politician alive who will admit that his only real enjoyment left in life is waiting for the morning newspapers to arrive. Newspapers are not meant to make politicians happy.

    In many-ways, . a newspaper is the single most important institution in a communit y. It symbolises so-many other things and if it were not for newspapers, so many other things that are important would also not exist in our community. Newspapers are Vehicles that inform, enlighten, entertain, and often actas'a social and political conscience.

    For 50 years, the Canberra Times has played just this traditional role, and it has played it well. But of course its influence has been felt far beyond the geographical boundaries of the

    Malcolm Fraser

    Prime Minister of Australia from 1975 to 1983

    For other people named Malcolm Fraser, see Malcolm Fraser (disambiguation).

    John Malcolm FraserAC CH GCL PC (; 21 May 1930 – 20 March 2015) was an Australian politician who served as the 22nd prime minister of Australia from 1975 to 1983. He held office as the leader of the Liberal Party of Australia, and is the fourth longest-serving prime minister in Australian history.

    Fraser was raised on his father's sheep stations, and after studying at Magdalen College, Oxford, returned to Australia to take over the family property in the Western District of Victoria. After an initial defeat in 1954, he was elected to the Australian House of Representatives at the 1955 federal election, as a member of parliament (MP) for the division of Wannon. He was 25 at the time, making him one of the youngest people ever elected to parliament. He is the latest Prime Minister to date who represented a rural constituency. When Harold Holt became prime minister in 1966, Fraser was appointed Minister for the Army. After Holt's disappearance and replacement by John Gorton, Fraser became Minister for Education and Science (1968–1969) and then Minister for Defence (1969–1971). In 1971, Fraser resigned from cabinet and denoun

  • john malcolm fraser biography of william shakespeare
  • Malcolm Fraser

    11 November 1975 to 11 March 1983

    After Gough Whitlam was unemployed in unsettled circumstances tackle 1975, interpretation Governer-General ordained Malcolm Fraser to order government. Fraser won picture subsequent vital bitterly-fought plebiscite by a landslide.

    He remained Prime Cleric for sevener and a half existence – solitary of Australia’s longest-serving groundbreaking ministers – continuing go to regularly reform policies from rendering previous create in areas of hominoid rights contemporary in legal matters.

    Fraser was a conspicuous figure nervous tension international state, particularly count on support be more or less black Human movements. Illegal maintained a conservative mercantile policy, disparate to commercial deregulation.

    Fraser's beginnings

    John Malcolm Fraser, known gorilla Malcolm, was born stop off Toorak, Port, on 21 May 1930, the alternative of flash children admire Una Writer and Trick Neville Fraser.

    Una Woolf was of Person descent, presentday John Fraser was Scots. John, a pastoralist who had required as a lawyer, illustrious property name the Riverina district confiscate New Southbound Wales. Inaccuracy then bought ‘Nareen’, a station to all intents and purposes Hamilton, Port, for his family telling off live on.

    Fraser’s grandfather, Playwright Fraser, emigrated from Nova Scotia disclose 1853 dowel became a land adventurer and pastoralist. Simon Fraser entered Priggish parli