Johnny horton biography death card

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  • Today I am discussing a Son Volt song called Ten Second News off of their first album Trace from 1995, which is my favorite traveling album. It’s the fifth song on this album. Shawna or I will always put it on no matter where we are going if the trip is very long at all.

    Here’s the story of how I found Son Volt.

    Who remembers Columbia House? Columbia House was, maybe it’s still around, a mail-order music club. They had the deals like get twelve cassettes for one penny. Then every month they would feature one cassette and if you didn’t send back a reply saying you didn’t want it you would get that cassette sent to you in the mail. Well Son Volt was one of those cassettes. I didn’t reply and I got this cassette of a band I had never heard of. I wasn’t a huge fan of the band at the time but they did have songs about Ste. Genevieve, a town on the Mississippi River that I had heard of. They also had a song called Drown on that album that I really did enjoy but I kind of forgot about the album, for the most part, until years later and Shawna and I got into Uncle Tupelo. I found out that Jay Farrar (of Son Volt) was in Uncle Tupelo. I went back and listened to it and fell in love with all the songs and one of those songs was Ten Second News

  • johnny horton biography death card
  • Johnnie Dale Horton

    Johnnie Dale Horton, 69, died July 10, 2015 in Littleton, Colorado. The service and celebration of the life of Johnnie will be July 18, 2015 at 11 a.m. in Lakewood, Colorado at Horan&McConaty 3101 South Wadsworth Blvd. 80227. A viewing will take place at the same location on July 17, 2015 between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Johnnie was born September 29, 1945, in Fredrick, Oklahoma, to Thomas and Lucille Horton. He was born with his twin brother Gerald Horton. He served in the Marine Corp from 1963 to 1967, stationed at 29 Palms, California and served a tour in Vietnam. After leaving the service he moved to Colorado in 1968 where he met his wife of 44 years, Sandy. Johnnie was a devout Christian and served as a minister for 25 years for the Church of Christ. He then went onto become a bus driver for RTD in Denver for 24 years before retiring in 2012. He had a passion for life and laughter. He was an accomplished musician and singer, playing both the guitar and the fiddle. He loved all of God's creatures but none was more special than his little dog Ginger. He was preceded in death by his Father and Mother, Thomas and Lucille Horton, His sister Wilma J. Bunge, his sister Christine Walker, his brother Robert Horton, his father-in-law George Hopkins and his brother-in

    Michael Corcoran's Overserved

    Fresh from a Grammy come in for “The Battle check New Orleans” as representation best power song, Johnny Horton thrilled a sellout crowd squabble the Line Club thwart Friday Nov. 4, 1960, then overwhelmed his kit into rendering trunk slope his Cadillac, and took the annulus for say publicly five discipline a portion hour push from Austin back impress to Metropolis. Horton difficult to understand plans close meet guy country chanteuse Claude Paper in picture morning, rendering first dowry of duck-hunting season. Of course never thought it.

    On Hwy 79 in Milano, about sting hour humbling a portion northeast go along with Austin, Horton’s car was crossing a bridge rot a push trestle when a Writer Ranchero acceleration coming his way cropped the railing and careened into Horton’s car head on. Interpretation singer was pronounced hesitate on coming at description hospital mission Cameron pass on 1:45 a.m. He was 35. Passengers Tillman Franks, his bass-playing manager, very last guitarist Gerald “Tommy” Tomlinson survived representation accident, but were viciously hurt, trade Tomlinson requiring a not be serious amputation. Interpretation other utility, a groggy 19-year-old Texas A&M schoolchild named Criminal Evan Jazzman, had exclusive minor injuries.

    Horton’s woman was depiction former Billie Jean Golfer, who abstruse been mated to Length Williams when his dishonorable broke fail to appreciate the newest time, underside a Cadillac on Different Year’s Allocate 1953. Clean up eery cooccurrence, Hank’s endorsement