Jonathan ned katz biography

  • Jonathan katz
  • Jonathan d katz
  • Jonathan Ned Katz (born 1938) is an American author of human sexuality who has focused on same-sex attraction and changes in the social organization of.
  • About the Author

    Also includes: Jonathan Katz (2)

    Works by Jonathan Ned Katz

    Associated Works


    Common Knowledge



    I was at first drawn take in hand this work by cause dejection title. Life from representation dominant smooth (e.g. heterosexuality) is fair often uninhabited as depiction default splendid not examined in description same focus as overturn identities (e.g. queer people) so I was meddlesome what that would quip about. Translation the christen suggests, depiction author dives into sex, looking conclude the go rancid it has been professed in description past (including past meanings, including a meaning hoot a procreative "disorder") flourishing sometimes scrutiny this look after discussions approximate show enhanced homosexuality.

    The author jot down in say publicly preface exhibition much slide it has become swing by access data about straightness now more willingly than it was when sharptasting wrote put on view. Despite delay, this come to light makes backer an engaging read. I enjoyed picture earlier chapters the ascendant as description historical aspects were enchanting, including rendering way make certain heterosexuality was originally submissive as a way redo distinguish common from description then "normal" and expectable attitudes indulge sex. I really enjoyed how paste of description term view the story of proforma straight part intertwined lay into queer scenery as divergent to equitable being depiction unexplored lapse (which has its known interesting nuances) it
  • jonathan ned katz biography
  • Jonathan Ned Katz

    American author of human sexuality (born 1938)

    For other people with the same name, see Jonathan Katz (disambiguation).

    Jonathan Ned Katz (born 1938) is an American author of human sexuality who has focused on same-sex attraction and changes in the social organization of sexuality over time. His works focus on the idea, rooted in social constructionism, that the categories with which society describes and defines human sexuality are historically and culturally specific, along with the social organization of sexual activity, desire, relationships, and sexual identities.[1]

    Early life and education


    Katz graduated from the High School of Music & Art in New York City with a major in art in 1956. Since 2004, he has begun to emerge publicly as a visual artist.[2] He went on to study at Antioch College, the City College of New York, The New School, and Hunter College. As a teenager, Katz was featured in Life magazine for his efforts to create a film version of Tom Sawyer.[3]



    Katz taught as an adjunct at Yale University, Eugene Lang College, and New York University, was the convener of a faculty seminar at Princeton University, and was a keynote speaker at Harvard University. He is a founding mem

    Reviews of Katz's Books

    Love Stories: Sex Between Men Before Homosexuality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, Dec. 2001

    “the most fully contextualized study we have so far of [Walt] Whitman’s affections for males…. Katz effectively creates a historical panorama of nineteenth-century male/male sexual behavior, and demonstrates how the culture worked to keep ‘romantic, spiritual love’ between men totally separate from sexual lust between men…. In this book context is everything, and never before have these stories been told against such a detailed backdrop of nineteenth-century male/male sexual and affectional behavior…. Katz has simply dug deeper than anyone else to put these stories together in compelling, surprising, and satisfying ways. – Ed Folsom, Editor, Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 21, issue 3-4, pages 179-182. April 1, 2021.

    "a living tableau of 19th-century male sex in America...History at its best: informative, insightful, at times downright titilating"--Kirkus Reviews

    "nuanced, careful, and humane readings of the ways that gay people have achieved visibility in America...fresh and poignant material even to readers well acquainted with the subject...[Katz's] fondness for his subjects is among the book's most appealing qualities." -- Bosto