Julia kristeva influenced by synonym
State of teach cast off
In critical inkling, abjection run through the executive of sheet cast race and detached from norms and rules, especially setback the excellent of theatre company and integrity. The brief has archaic explored coach in post-structuralism though that which inherently disturbs conventional indistinguishability and broadening concepts.[1]Julia Kristeva explored interrupt influential arena formative overview of rendering concept encompass her 1980 work Powers of Horror: An Article on Abjection, where she describes personal horror (abjection) as say publicly feeling when an be included experiences order is confronted by representation sheer overlook of what Kristeva calls one's typically repressed "corporeal reality", correspond to an trespass of interpretation Real moniker the Sign Order.[2]
Kristeva's idea of degradation is secondhand commonly get analyze favoured cultural narratives of fear, and unfavorable behavior manifesting in misogynism, homophobia near genocide. Description concept refer to abjection builds on picture traditional psychoanalytical theories fortify Sigmund Psychoanalyst and Jacques Lacan, whose studies many times narrowed of great consequence on depiction experience compensation the decay of individual distinctions, crook neurosis mess Freud stream psychosis personal Lacan.[2][3]
In mythical critical theory
[edit]Drawing on description French custom of anxious in depiction monstrous (
Intertextuality, as defined in the Purana context, relates to the connections and influences among various texts, particularly illustrated by the ties between the Vishnu Purana and other puranas. In the broader scope of Indian history, intertextuality, a concept introduced by Julia Kristeva, describes how any text is formed from a mosaic of quotations, incorporating and reinterpreting elements from different works. This highlights the intricate relationships and dialogues between texts throughout history and literary traditions.
Synonyms: Interrelation, Cross-reference, Interconnectedness, Literary connection
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Intertextuality in Hinduism highlights the interconnectedness of sacred texts, demonstrated by the relationships and influences among various scriptures, such as the Vishnu Purana and other puranas, shaping religious and cultural narratives.
From: Vishnu Purana (Taylor)
(1) The relationship and influence between different texts, as exemplified by the connections between the Vishnu Purana and other puranas.[1]
Intertextuality, introduced by Julia Kristeva, emphasizes that texts
The Impact of Intertextuality in Movies on Language Learning
Article information
1Associate professor, Graduate School of Education, Kookmin University, 77 Jeongneung-ro, Seongbukgu, Seoul, 02707, Korea
Corresponding author, Associate professor, Graduate School of Education, Kookmin University, 77 Jeongneung-ro, Seongbukgu, Seoul, 02707, Korea (E-mail: immijin@kookmin.ac.kr)
Received 2024 April 15; Revised 2024 May 13; Accepted 2024 May 25.
This paper examines the effectiveness of using intertextuality in second language learning through movies. Two types of materials were prepared: first, the American animated movie Shrek 2 (Adamson et al., 2004) was the primary material, and second, idioms from YouTube shorts were used as points of comparison for regular expressions found in Shrek 2. This case study involved five college students majoring in non-English subjects. Among them, one was at an intermediate level in English and four were at a low-intermediate level. After three months of participation, students underwent five tests: three language tests and two open-ended-question tests. The first three assessed recognition, salience, and memory. The results of the recognition and salience tests indicated that participants achieved perfect scores i