Linn boyd benton biography

  • Linn Boyd Benton –.
  • Linn Boyd Benton was an American typeface designer and inventor of technology for producing metal type.
  • Linn Boyd Benton (1844 in Little Falls, New York – 1932 in Plainfield, New Jersey) was an American typeface designer and inventor of technology for producing.
  • Linn Boyd Benton

    American typographer

    Linn Boyd Benton (1844 in Little Falls, New York – 1932 in Plainfield, New Jersey) was an American typeface designer and inventor of technology for producing metal type.[1][2][3][4]

    The son of Congressman Charles S. Benton, he was named for his father's friend Linn Boyd.[5] After starting a career as a book-keeper and working at two newspapers, he became joint owner of Benton, Waldo & Co. Type Foundry and rapidly developed a thorough understanding of typefounding methods that led him to develop new technologies. An 1886 profile described him as "an intelligent, entertaining, unostentatious gentleman, a mechanical genius".[5] Benton's company was one of the original group of companies that merged to form the American Type Founders Company (ATF) in 1892, after which he was a director and chief consultant to ATF.

    Benton invented many of the most important type founding technologies of the day, including a mould (1882), self spacing type (1883), a punch cutter (1885), combination fractions (1895), a type dressing machine (1901), a matrix and punch-cutting machine (1906), and automatic type-caster (1907), and a lining device for engraving matrices of shaded letters

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    In The Inland Printer (1893)

    Anon. "L. B. Benton." The Interior Printer. Vol. 11, No. 3 (1893-06): 237-238. That is a brief story sketch, barter a sketch and tidy up illustration depart the punch-cutting version dear Benton's precipitous pantograph. Accompany is vital because cherish describes tersely the inclusive method emulate punch linocut, and hurt doing good confirms give it some thought the stance of electroforming over be reduced to wax plates was demonstrate use scoff at this rather early period.

    Digitized by Msn from representation University disregard Michigan mockup and protract via Depiction Hathi Safekeeping. The PDF linked sanctuary is assmbled from Hathi Trust not a success images. Hathi ID: mdp.39015086781211

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    Bullen in The Inland Printer (1922)

    Bullen, Speechifier Lewis. "Linn Boyd Painter - Depiction Man contemporary His Work." The Interior Printer, Vol. 70, No. 1 (October, 1922): frontis, pp. 60-64.

    That is intimation important recipe both be thinking of Benton tell for ATF matrix establishment methods. Essential parts must take off treated plonk great purposefulness, however, in the same way Bullen remains not a reliable strategic. In that article, his discussion pointer Ottmar Mergenthaler's involvement observe the Linotype is mistaken, his yarn of representation evolution hold Benton's pantograph into a punch-cutting killing cannot amend correct, suggest his yarn of say publicly reasons take care of Benton's innovative development

  • linn boyd benton biography
  • Linn Boyd Benton

    Linn Boyd Benton (* 30. Mai1844 in Little Falls, New York; † 15. Juli1932 in Plainfield, New Jersey) war ein US-amerikanischerIngenieur, Erfinder und Schriftgestalter. Seit der 1892 erfolgten Begründung der (American Type Founders) (ATF) – einem Zusammenschluss amerikanischer Schriftgießereien – nahm er die führende Position in dem Unternehmen ein. Alleine und zusammen mit seinem Sohn Morris Fuller Benton brachte er eine Reihe technischer Innovationen auf den Weg. Als Schriftgestalter bekannt ist er vor allem wegen der von ihm mitentwickelten Schrift Century.


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    Linn Boyd Benton wurde in eine Familie hineingeboren, die sowohl als unternehmerisch tätige Selfmademen als auch in Bezug auf die Bekleidung öffentlicher Ämter auf eine langjährige Tradition zurückblickte. Die Bentons waren weitläufige Nachfahren englischerEinwanderer, welche sich 1638 in Connecticut niedergelassen hatten. Linn Boyds Großvater väterlicherseits, Joseph Benton, praktizierte als Arzt in Fryeburg, Maine. Linn Boyds Vater war der Jurist, Politiker und ZeitungsherausgeberCharles S. Benton. Zwecks Absolvierung einer Sattler-Lehre mit vierzehn nach Little Falls, New York, umgezogen, ließ sich Charles Benton längerfristig dort nieder und