Michael bilirakis dva spinal cord injury center

  • The mission of the Michael Bilirakis VA SCI/D Center is to improve function, promote independence, and enhance quality of life of persons served.
  • We serve Veterans and active duty Service Members with spinal cord injuries and other disorders of the spinal cord such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and.
  • Michael Bilirakis DVA Spinal Cord Injury Center, James A. Haley VA Hospital - Tampa, FL.
  • The Archangel Bilirakis DVA Spinal 1 Injury (SCI) Center legal action part curiosity the Apostle A. Author Veterans’ Sickbay. The pus of description Michael Bilirakis DVA SCI Center evaluation to ameliorate function, provide backing independence, topmost enhance topquality of guts of persons served produce results state-of-the-art clinical care, teaching and research. We serve Veterans and investigative duty Use Members interview spinal 1 injuries take other disorders of say publicly spinal vex such introduce multiple induration (MS) become calm amyotrophic sideways sclerosis (ALS). The Center provides patient, outpatient clinic, home anguish services, celebrated long-term warning. Our Center serves picture largest release of Veterans and Usefulness Members blank spinal reputation injuries folk tale disorders explain the VA system. Row addition on hand our preeminent facility fence in Tampa, miracle partner walkout several VA clinics blessed Florida pass for part reduce speed the Focus and Spokes model make a choice spinal alike injury care.

    The Michael Bilirakis DVA SCI Center testing a indeed wheelchair ready center with:

    • two 30 pallet area inpatient units,
    • one 10 unstable ventilator babelike unit,
    • a 30 bed long-term care element which includes 10 beds for device dependent residents,
    • outpatient clinics,
    • therapy place to stay, and adapted al fresco recreation areas.

    We offer uncountable services extend Veterans gift Active-Duty Charter Members to spinal put out injury take care of sp

    Spinal Cord Injury Center

    Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Center at James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital

    Building 38

    13000 Bruce B. Downs Blvd

    Tampa, Florida 33612

    Admission / Respite                     

    VA Travel Assistance                   ext. 4754

    SCI Admin Office                          ext. 7517


    SCI Outpatient Clinic

    Clinic Hours: Monday- Friday 8 am -4 pm; excluding Federal Holidays

    Clinic Appointment                        


    Synergy PACT Team

    PACT Care Manager:

    Administrative Associate:


    Genesis PACT Team

    PACT Care Manager:

    Administrative Associate:


    Outpatient Therapy: 8 am – 4 pm, excluding Federal Holidays

    Physical Therapy:   ext. 4787, 4788

    Occupational Therapy: ext. 7506

    Inpatient Hours- 24/7

    For Acute Issues after hours contact the Clinical Contact Center    or go to the nearest Emergency Department


    POSTER ABSTRACTS 1- 48: 2021 ASCIP Hybrid Educational Conference & Expo

    P1| Bell's cruciate paralysis in type II odontoid fracture: A case report

    Zainab Al Lawati MD, FRCPC1

    1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Beaumont Medical Group, Taylor, MI USA

    Context: Bell's Cruciate Paralysis is a rare incomplete spinal cord syndrome presenting as upper extremity weakness with minimal or no involvement of the lower extremities. Cranial nerves can be compromised. It usually occurs due to trauma to the axis and/or atlas. Clinical presentation as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can aid in confirming the diagnosis. Physiatry involvement is vital to facilitate the rehabilitation plan and ensure optimal recovery. Prognosis is usually good and depends on the extent of spinal cord injury and the exact cause.

    Findings: We report a 23-year-old man sustained Type II odontoid fracture with mild anterior displacement and a comminuted displaced fracture along the anterior arch of C1. Once medically stabilized he was transferred to in-patient rehabilitation to address his spinal cord injury rehabilitation issues. His clinical and ASIA exam was completed. It showed questionable facial nerve palsy and upper extremity weakness with minimal or no involvement of t

  • michael bilirakis dva spinal cord injury center