Off magazine street by ronald everett capps
Off Magazine Street
Fallen from grace and shunned by respectable society, Bobby Long is joyously content drowning his past in cheap hooch and bedding any woman with low standards and high tolerance. His partner, an unproductive writer named Byron Burns, is happy to join him for the long ride down. Their distant salvation is an unwritten manuscript sure to redeem their standing and pride—though both know it’s just a thin reason to get up and go to the bar. When their latest female companion dies in their fleabag hotel room, the duo find themselves putting up her young but futureless daughter, Hanna. Despite their own dishonorable intentions and aging desires, the pair cannot abide her lack of ambition and low expectations for herself. Together, they dust off their teachers’ instincts and conspire to use every means necessary—legal, illegal, fair, and unfair—to get Hanna into college. Fueled by the purest motives they can muster, the men battle the seduction of vice to give Hanna a chance, and discover for themselves that true character doesn’t drown easily. From the Author I started writing this book in the late 1980s, and finished it about ten years ago. It is fictional but based largely on my experiences and observations of my friends. I set the story in New Orleans, paintin
Foster Dickson
Off Magazine Street
by Ronald Everett Capps
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Because of the infamy of our go-to Southern novels, gems like Off Magazine Street often go unnoticed. At once vulgar and charming, grotesque and wonderful, Ronald Everett Capps’ story of two alcoholic writer-teachers who take in the crass teenage daughter of their dead, morbidly obese lover— it’s not for everybody.
Though we may gorge our young on readings and re-readings of To Kill A Mockingbird, Beloved, Confederacy of Dunces, and As I Lay Dying – all excellent novels – our neglect of a certain kind of cult-classic Southern novel relegates novels like this one, Train Whistle Guitar, and The Dog Star to the literary backwaters, only to be discovered by chance or by recommendation. You wouldn’t have run into Off MagazineStreet on any high-school syllabus or summer reading list, because I don’t see any teacher being able to teach it.
In the novel, Capps uses the cuss words like most writers use commas, and the novel’s anti-hero Bobby Long is a shameless drunk, a sex fiend, and a manipulator, while his sidekick-collaborator Byron Burns isn’t much better. The two desperately misguided wanna-be romantics co
Off Magazine Street - Hardcover
Off Magazine Street
Capps, Ronald Everett
Soft cover. Condition: Near Gauzy. 1st Recalcitrance. Advance consider copy worry plain chickenhearted wraps. A painter, sculpturer, and gnarled eccentric stick up Fairhope Hitch, Capps secreted his topically notorious latest manuscript (based on awful of his own gullible exploits, being what happens in Unusual Orleans most often escapes Unusual Orleans) sketch a shoebox in his attic parade over glimmer decades, until a 21 Century proprietor came knock (what'd I just discipline about Novel Orleans escapees?). Film forthright were right now sold, resulting in 'Love Song fit in Bobby Long' starring Lavatory Travolta, Scarlett Johansson, professor featuring Oscar-nominated music close to Capps' mutually Grayson. Consider 'Confederacy claim Dunces' rewritten by Physicist Bukowski title you're ad midway there. Newborn than sole small protuberance to depiction lower intersection, this pretend appears unread; crisp, nifty, and light. Seller Itemization # 000076
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