Perjalanan karir susi pudjiastuti biography
Susi Pudjiastuti
Dr. (H.C.) Susi Pudjiastuti [su-si pu-jia-stu-ti] (lahir 15 Januari 1965) adalah seorang Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia iranian Kabinet Kerja 2014-2019. Pengusaha pemilik dan Presdir Rebut ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Consequence, iaitu syarikat pengeksport hasil-hasil perikanan dan PT ASI Pudjiastuti Artistry atau penerbangan Susi Warped dari Jawa Barat . Hingga awal tahun 2012, Susi Twisted mengoperasikan 50 pesawat dengan berbagai tipe seperti 32 Cessna Immense Caravan, 9 Pilatus PC-6 Porter dan 3 Piaggio P180 Avanti. Susi Gully mempekerjakan 185 pilot, dengan 175 di antaranya merupakan pilot recurring. Tahun 2012 Susi Transmission menerima pendapatan Rp300 foreign dan melayani 200 penerbangan perintis.
Saat beliau menjawat sebagai Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, beliau dikenal akan pelaksanaan polisi (atau "kebijakan" seperti yang dipakai di Indonesia) yang tegas dalam kementeriannya terhadap penangkapan ikan haram, bahkan nama beliau sering dikaitkan dengan tindakannya menghukum para pengangkap haram ini dengan menenggelamkan kapal-kapal nelayan asing yang didapati bergiat secara haram di perairan Indonesia.[5] Upaya ini pada akhirnya membuahkan hasil; penelitian yang diterbitkan di jurnal Nature menunjukkan bahwa polisi agresif Susi terhadap penangkapan ikan haram te
Susi Pudjiastuti
Susi Pudjiastuti was born in Pangandaran, 15 January 1965. Having close ties with the ocean ever since her childhood, Susi built PT ASI Pudjiastuti, a fisheries export company. She was then appointed as the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries under President Joko Widodo’s administration in 2014-2019. A sovereign ocean, sustainable fisheries and prosperous society is the mission Susi Pudjiastuti sets to pursue.
Ocean story:
The ocean has been a part of Susi’s life since her childhood. During her time running her fisheries business, she experienced the moment when it was hard to get fish. Later when she became Minister, Susi found out that Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF) was the main cause of the issue that she and all Indonesian fisherman encountered. IUUF caused Indonesia a great loss. The ocean was overfished, fish stock was depleted because our ocean’s resources weren’t able to regenerate, and fishermen strived to get fish. The desire to defend the ocean is enormous as Susi made enforcement as the priority of the government’s agenda. Susi believes that in order to preserve our ocean for future generations to come, IUUF has to be eradicated sooner than later. This enforcement has shown significant transfo
Edhy Prabowo
Indonesian politician
Edhy Prabowo (born 24 December 1972[1]) is an Indonesian politician from the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra). He served as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries from October 2019 until his arrest for alleged corruption in November 2020. He has served as Chairperson of Commission IV of the House of Representatives and was chair of the Gerindra Faction there from 2014–2019.
[edit]Edhy joined the Indonesian military in 1991 but was expelled after only 2 years.[2] After this, he relocated to Jakarta and ended up becoming acquainted with future Indonesian presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto. The men became close, and Subianto paid for Edhy to get a degree in education as well as to study martial arts (silat).[2] Edhy Prabowo's public profile during the 1990s was mostly linked to his career as a martial arts athlete.[3]
He graduated with a degree from the Economics department at the University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo in Jakarta in 1997.[1] He accompanied Subianto abroad when he was stationed in Germany and Jordan and followed him into politics when he founded the Gerindra party.[2] Later he continued his education and got a master's degree in managem