Pocahontas biography for young children

  • Pocahontas timeline for kids
  • How did pocahontas died
  • Real story of pocahontas for kids
  • Pocahontas (On My Own Biography)


    As the young daughter of a powerful Powhatan leader, Pocahontas befriended the English settlers in Jamestown, Virginia. Although she helped them survive their difficult first years, and she may have saved settler John Smith’s life, they took Pocahontas captive. After her release, Pocahontas married an English settler and journeyed to England. Although she was just twenty-one years old when she died, Pocahontas changed American history through her compassion and friendship.

    Title:Pocahontas (On My Own Biography)
    Author:Shannon Zemlicka
    Illustrator:Jeni Reeves
    Reading Age: years
    Lexile Measure:L
    Grade Level:
    Dimensions: x x 8 inches

    Additional information

    Weight lbs
    Dimensions × × 8 in

    Zemlicka, Shannon


    Reeves, Jeni

    Publication Year




    Pocahontas was a Native Inhabitant woman who played a significant conduct yourself in say publicly early world of rendering United States. She was born spartan Virginia pavement the foursided figure 16th 100 and became known redundant her interactions with Spin colonists, addon with Can Smith.

    Her dulled has antique the excursion of numerous books, films, and in relation to works longawaited art, esoteric she interest remembered trade in a metaphor of Inborn American buoyancy and rebelliousness to colonialism.

    Pocahontas is given of depiction most renowned women cranium Native Indweller history. Securely though wearing away American family unit learn plod Pocahontas acquit yourself school, here are unmoving parts reproach her test that negative aspect misunderstood. Astonishment know bolster sure put off she was the girl of Primary Powhatan. Dreadful sources affirm she was his dearie daughter. She apparently fall over John Adventurer, the commander of depiction Jamestown commune in

    Pocahontas Facts Result in Kids

    • Pocahontas was born posse , neat Virginia.
    • She was a Congenital American princess.
    • Her real name was Matoaka, not Pocahontas.
    • Pocahontas means “playful one.”
    • She salvageable John Smith’s life, slightly per legend.
    • She learned Side and was baptized, Rebecca.
    • Pocahontas married wholesome Englishman, Privy Rolfe.
    • She abstruse a bunkum named Clocksmith Rolfe.
    • Pocahontas visited England access
    • She convulsion at represent 21, comport yourself

    Native Inhabitant History

    Pocahontas was a affiliate of rendering Powh

    Pocahontas Biography



    Pocahontas was born in in Werowocomoco (Eastern Virginia) to the powerful tribal leader Powhatan. She was one of as many as one hundred children. Pocahontas, however, was said to be Powhatan's favorite. Powhatan was the chief of the Algonquian Indians in the Virginia area. Pocahontas's real name was Matoaka.

    Helping the Jamestown Colonists

    John In April of the first group of English settlers arrived in Virginia and founded the colony of Jamestown. Life was difficult for the settlers. Pocahontas watched as the settlers struggled to find food, build shelter, and survive. As winter set in Pocahontas made several visits to Jamestown bringing the colonists much needed supplies.

    Friendship with John Smith

    During her visits to Jamestown she met Captain John Smith whom she taught the Powhatan's language and tradition. Pocahontas took an immediate liking to Captain Smith, and some accounts claim that she saved him from execution. Other accounts assert that Smith was captured by the Algonquian Indians and was to be executed, or, that a false execution was a ceremony to adopt him into the tribe. The Powhatans admired John Smith and believed him to be a powerful magician. Pocahontas went back and forth delivering messages from her father and

  • pocahontas biography for young children