Pope shenouda iii biography of barack obama
Egypt's Coptic Holy father Dies assume 88; Obama Remembers Champion for Tolerance
By Anugrah Kumar, Christianly Post Bestower
The Christian Orthodox service of Empire prepared support the burial of Vicar of christ Shenouda Trio on Dominicus, a fair after rendering leader clone the Christianly minority in behalf of four decades died get the message longtime illnesses. President Barack Obama remembered him although an back for broadmindedness and harmony.
Shenouda wanted work to rule be belowground at say publicly St. Bishoy monastery alternative route Wadi Natrun, Nile Delta, and his church, which has prove 10 meg members monitor Egypt, longing fulfill his wishes, neighbourhood media reported.
The body take up the 88-year-old patriarch, garmented in relaxed robes, desire be set in upshot open pall in Cairo's St. Mark's Cathedral until Tuesday, say publicly government-run Al-Akhbar newspaper declared. Shenouda, who had suffered from person and kidney problems pull out years, offhandedly flew find time for America need medical exploitation in latest years.
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"Michelle and I are disappointed to instruct of description passing tactic Coptic Religionist Pope Shenouda III, a beloved commander of Egypt's Coptic Christians and spruce advocate contemplate tolerance cope with religious dialogue," President Obama said suspend a statemen
House debates
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
His Holiness Pope Shenouda III
Philip Ruddock(Berowra, Liberal Party) Share this | Link to this | Hansard source
It is rare that one has the privilege of being able to speak on two condolence motions, and I do so in the context of knowing both of the parties about whom these resolutions were proposed. I cannot say that I was as familiar with Pope Shenouda, but I had the opportunity on several occasions of meeting with him on his visits here to Australia. I am told I have an item that he gave me, which I was not to boast about—an icon painted by some of the ladies of the Coptic Orthodox church, which I still have in my home.
The patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church died at 88 years. He led Egypt's Christians for some 40 years. I believe tens of thousands of mourners packed into the cathedral in Cairo. He had been unwell, battling liver and lung problems for several years. It is appropriate that we acknowledge his contribution because the Copts trace their faith in Christ to Saint Mark, who is said to have brought Christianity to Egypt in the first century.
Pope Shenouda was born as Nazir Gayed on 3 August 1923 in Egypt. He graduated in history with a degree from Cairo University. He began attendin
St Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church Seattle, Washington
Early Life
Nazeer Gayed Roufail was born on August 3, 1923 in the village of Salaam, in Upper Egypt. He was the youngest of a family of eight children. Nazeer's mother died shortly after his birth. He was raised by his older brother, Raphael, in Damanhur in Lower Egypt, where he attended a Coptic Elementary School. Soon after, he studied at the American Middle School in Banha. He then moved to Shubra, a suburb of Cairo, where he enrolled at the Faith Senior Secondary (high school).
From the age of 14, Nazeer began reading poetry and he wrote many poems himself, especially between 1946 and 1962. By the age of 16, he was active in the Coptic Sunday School movement. He served as a Sunday School teacher, first at St. Anthony's Church in Shoubra and then at St. Mary's Church in Mahmasha.
In 1946, while still in his final year of undergraduate studies, he was allowed to enroll in the evening classes at the Coptic Theological Seminary usually open only to University graduates but the dean of the Seminary, Archdeacon Habib Girgis (d. 1951), made an exception in the case of Nazeer. The Personality of Habib Girgis was instrumental in shaping that of the future Pope, and Pope Shenouda always spoke highly of Habib Girgis.