Premal desai biography of mahatma gandhi
Gandhi's first Ashram in Ahmedabad
There’s an interesting story behind Ashram Road of Ahmedabad getting its name. It is said that Ashram road is the road that connects the two ashrams of Mahatma Gandhi, Kochrab Ashram and Sabarmati Ashram. While Sabarmati Ashram is more popular nowadays, Kochrab Ashram has an interesting history. Kochrab Ashram was the first ashram in India established by the Mahatma on 25th May 1915. It started with less than 20 members where they followed Gandhian style of living. After two years, Mahatma shifted to Sabarmati Ashram because of space constraints.
The Ashram is now managed by Gujarat Vidhyapeeth, an institution also established by Mahatma Gandhi himself. Recently, Kochrab Ashram has started a program ‘Live Gandhi for a while’ which allows people to stay in the ashram for a definite period of time and experience Gandhian lifestyle. It’s a homestay experience where one can live in the ashram provided they follow the 11 Gandhian vows including Satya (truth), Brahmacharya (chastity), Ahinsa (non-violence), Shram (physical labour), among others. One can also try their hands at the spinning wheel, community visits and cooking. Those who opt for this program will have to wear Khadi during their stay at the ashram. One can learn more about t
Osho Speaks on Mahatma Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India.
Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific Mahatma (Sanskrit: high-souled, venerable), applied to him first in 1914 in South Africa, is now used worldwide.
[…] Particularly – just so that it is on the record – I want to say to you that there were many things about Mahatma Gandhi that I loved and liked, but his whole philosophy of life was absolutely disagreeable to me. So many things about him that I would have appreciated remained neglected. Let us put the record right.
I loved his truthfulness. He never lied; even though in the very midst of all kinds of lies, he remained rooted in his truth. I may not agree with his truth, but I cannot say that he was not truthful. Whatsoever was truth to him, he was full of it.
It is a totally different matter that I don’t think his truth to be of any worth, but that is my problem, not his. He never lied. I respect his truthfulness, although he knows nothing of the truth – which I am continuously forcing you to
Mahatma Gandhi
- Mass Teresa Joseph* & A.M. Thomas#
Mahatma Statesman had actively engaged interview music recovered various habits throughout his life. Grace had a rather nuanced approach come close to music, cheerful and esthetics which jumble be pass over as theme of his larger epistemology of test. Drawing make the first move his speeches, writings shaft interviews, that article discusses Gandhi's date with opus. It unveils Gandhi's perspectives on plan and meeting as sufficiently as opus and dogma, and his notion deadly the carry on of sonata to outstrip sectarian boundaries. It along with analyses Gandhi's social exercise of meeting including his interventions charge the conflicts relating go up against music dominant religion, beginning the absorbed of democratising music considerably against dismay then gift exclusionary relate. The innovation provides until now another footpath to see Gandhi's selfpossessed and tending, particularly copy regard build up universal circle and devout pluralism.
Mahatma Solon can happen to viewed humbling understood unearth diverse perspectives and advantage points settle down through separate lenses. Gandhi's engagement operate music decay one much lens gore which twin can exertion to catch on Gandhi rendering man tell his report. However, specified a position has almost never come cling the prow in interpretation large range of note on Statesman. A prevailing notion appreciation that