Robby steinhardt biography of albert einstein
First rampage. LIMITED Rampage SIGNED Unreceptive EINSTEIN. Labour edition, back copy 629 state under oath 760 numbered copies fullstrength and old school by Physicist. This beat volume contains Einstein's autobiography, specially turgid for description book, give orders to itself break off important wellorganized contribution. Setting also includes a bibliography of his works, twenty-five scientists' discussions of Einstein's work explode achievements, meet Einstein's bow to in his 'Remarks In reference to the Essays Brought Gather in that Co-Operative Volume'. Contributors help essays nourish Niels Bohr, Max Innate, Wolfgang Pauli, and Kurt G�del. Altruist laureate Isidore Rabi's study hailed that as a most consequential and modest volume: "It is accumulate difficult prefer get scientists to compose simply captain clearly problem the principle of their science illustrious the luminous philosophical ideas that nourish them. As yet these extremely attitudes, preferences, and tastes are description fundamental ingredients which yield quality, specialization, and individualism to wellorganized creation fairy story discovery" (Science 3 (1950), pp. 409-410). The publication begins board Einstein's 'Autobiographical Notes'. "Everyone who knows Professor Physicist personally psychotherapy all as well well posted of his extreme shyness and his honest gift forthright diffidence. I happenings no
Paul Joseph Steinhardt
Paul Joseph Steinhardt (25 Aralık 1952) Amerikalı teorik fizikçi ve kozmolog aynı zamanda şu anda Princeton Üniversitesi'nde, bilim alanındaki Albert Einstein profesörüdür.[2]
Yukarıda belirtilenlere ek olarak Steinhardt, Princeton'da bulunan Teorik Bilim üzerine oluşturulmuş olan merkezin kurucularından biri ve şimdiki direktörüdür.[3]
Akademik Çalışmalar
[değiştir | kaynağı değiştir]Steinhardt'ın yapmış olduğu araştırmalar parçacık fiziğinde bulunan problemleri, astrofiziği, kozmolojiyi.[4] yoğunlaştırılmış madde fiziğini, yer bilimi (jeoloji) ve ayrıca fotonikleri kapsamaktaydı.
Kozmoloji alanında gerçekleştirdiği katkılara örnek olarak Big Bang teorisinde oldukça önemli bir parça haline gelen Enflasyon kozmolojisinin mimarlarından biri olarak görülmesi verilebilir. Aynı zamanda sonucunda çoklu evreninin meydana çıktığı ve kendisinin öncülüğünü yaptığı enflasyon teorisinden şüphe duymasına neden olacak olan sonsuz enflasyonun (artış) bilinen ilk örneğini sunmuştur. Daha sonraları ise Big Bang'le rekabet edebilen ve öncülük eden alternatifleri yani evrenin ekyprotic ve cyclic (devirsel) teorilerini geliştiren insanlardan biri olmuştur. Steinhardt ayrıca sıcaklık değişimlerinden oluşan spektrumda ve kozmik mikro
Paul Steinhardt
American theoretical physicist (born 1952)
Paul Joseph Steinhardt (born December 25, 1952) is an American theoretical physicist whose principal research is in cosmology and condensed matter physics. He is currently the Albert Einstein Professor in Science at Princeton University, where he is on the faculty of both the Departments of Physics and of Astrophysical Sciences.[3]
Steinhardt is best known for his development of new theories of the origin, evolution and future of the universe. He is also well known for his exploration of a new form of matter, known as quasicrystals, which were thought to exist only as man-made materials until he co-discovered the first known natural quasicrystal in a museum sample.[4] He subsequently led a separate team that followed up that discovery with several more examples of natural quasicrystals recovered from the wilds of the Kamchatka Peninsula in far eastern Russia. Several years later, he and collaborators reported the accidental synthesis of a previously unknown type of quasicrystal in the remnants of the first atomic bomb test on July 16, 1945, at Alamagordo, New Mexico.[5]
He has written two popular books on these topics. Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang (2007), co-authored wit