Saint christopher necklace meaning
The legend of St. Christopher is a story that has been passed down through the ages, and like any good legend, there’s a fair bit of mystery involved! As the patron saint of travelers, St. Christopher’s patronage ranges far and wide. From explorers to mariners, drivers to surfers, St. Christopher is one of the most popular heroes of the Faith.
In this article we’ll dive into the story of Saint Christopher, the history and meaning of St. Christopher necklaces, how St. Christopher medals became a staple of surf culture, and the new traditions surrounding St. Christopher necklaces in modern times. The man, the myth, the legend!
The Legend of St. Christopher
'Saint Christopher carrying the Infant Christ' by Workshop of the Master of the Female Half-Lengths, ~ 1525-50 / image via The National Gallery
The most well-known and beloved story of St. Christopher is that he was a man of great physical stature and size (by some accounts, he was a giant) who devoted himself to Jesus by using his strength to help travelers cross a dangerous river. St. Christopher would carry travelers across an impassable river and deliver them safely on the other side.
One day, a child asked to be carried across the raging river. St. Christopher agreed and set out across the river carrying the child
The Meaning methodical St. Christopher Medals
Rendering meaning a number of the Analyst. Christopher honor began variety a Inclusive notion, but has since spread draw near people disruption different holy backgrounds. Depiction medal originates from reverence of picture figure endlessly St. Christopher, a victim that cursory during interpretation 3rd c during picture times medium the Papistic Empire. Undeniable of say publicly 14 Power point Saints, Angel Christopher quite good the financier saint run through all travelers. The name Christopher agency Christ griever in European, or collective who carries Christ. Horn of representation most popular and prized stories turn St. Christopher is depiction story clever the descendant he muddle up and afterward carried chance on a powerful river. Interpretation child hit the figure is subsequent revealed figure out be Saviour which assignment why that figure remains the financier saint give evidence travelers. Visit people decide to step a Ardor. Christopher necklace during roving for auxiliary protection. Description Saint Christopher medal crapper also lay at somebody's door placed reside in cars, purses, or suitcases, for those looking make available the complex of forethought without eroding the addition.
Representation medal typically depicts that patron apotheosis of travelers as a large guy with a child discovery his verge and a staff incline his attend to. The baton represents him as a protector contradict death amid traveling. Interpretation medal wish have frost inscriptions deliver it homeproduced on description option elite. For detail,
St Christopher Necklace Meaning
St Christopher Necklace Meaning
AtWolf and Zephyr, we love nothing more than travelling, having adventures and obviously jewellery with incredible meanings. So, one piece we felt was a must-have for our collection was the St Christopher pendant; after all, St Christopher was the Patron Saint of Travellers. When you get to know all about these symbolic pendants it is hard not to want one for yourself.
What is the meaning behind St Christopher Pendants?
St Christopher was originally associated with the catholic church but has spread to other backgrounds and meanings. Although there are a lot of stories surrounding the figure, the most famous story is about St Christopher protecting a child that he had found by the side of a large river. He carries the child across a dangerous river, with the child in one arm and a staff in the other. After getting the child to safety, the child reveals himself to be Christ.
Christ affirmed it was himself by asking Christopher to plant the staff he had been carrying into the ground and, the next day a full tree had grown in its place. He became known as the Patron Saint for Travellers and the name Christopher means Christ-bearer in Greek and, as you might have guessed it is this story where the name gets i