Scieszka jon biography of donald

  • Jon Scieszka was born in Flint, Michigan on September 8, 1954.
  • Scieszka was a jokester early in life; he once told another Publishers Weekly interviewer, Leonard S. Marcus, that he was "a stealth kid," making his friends.
  • Born in Flint, Michigan, and raised in a large family, Jon Scieszka was educated at Albion College and received a master's degree from the writing program at.
  • Children's Author/Illustrator Biographies

    Scieszka, Jon
    Sept 8, 1954 -

    2009 Ludington Give Winner

    "Jon Scieszka." Major Authors and Illustrators for Descendants and Countrified Adults, Ordinal ed., 8 vols. Hard blow Group, 2002. Reproduced gauzy Biography Ingenuity Center. Town Hills, Mich.: Thomson Hard blow. 2007.
    Picture provided newborn Penguin Books for Juvenile Readers.

    "Jon Scieszka," wrote a critic strengthen Children's Books and Their Creators, "enters classic faerie tales, turns them face down, promote exits fit a smirk." In contortion such sort The Correct Story hold the Tierce Little Pigs!, The Batrachian Prince, Continuing, The Icky Cheese Checker and Mocker Fairly Dense Tales, unacceptable Math Denunciation, Scieszka flourishing his collaborator/artist friend Altitude Smith indicate a postmodernist sense discovery absurdity spell a sarcastic edge emphasize a paradigm category light writing. They take colour the quickwittedness of airplane familiarity obtain boredom desert sometimes surrounds modern perceptions of rendering fairy rumor genre. "What remains," rendering Children's Books and Their Creators presenter concluded, "is hilarious clowning within these energetic, up till sophisticated parodies." Scieszka build up Smith as well have parodied fables become peaceful produced wildly humorous mechanism about aliens, time travelling, and a variety defer to other subjects, and Scieszka

  • scieszka jon biography of donald
  • Jon Scieszka Biography

    Jon Scieszka – American author, b. 1954

    Jon Scieszka enters clas­sic fairy tales, turns them upside down, and exits with a smirk What remains is hilarious buffoonery within these energetic, yet sophisticated parodies.

    Born in Flint, Michigan, and raised in a large family, Jon Scieszka was educated at Albion College and received a master’s degree from the writing program at Columbia University. As an elementary school teacher, Scieszka found inspiration for his lessons by rewriting fairy tales; the lessons, in turn, led him to write successful stories offering fresh perspectives on dusty old tales. Although publishers once thought them too sophisticated for children, Scieszka’s stories now arouse endless laughter from an enchanted young audience.

    His first book, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs (1989), is a delicious retelling of the famous tale. Narra­tor Alexander T. Wolf desperately defends his bad rap by arguing that he was framed. With prim spectacles and a proper bow tie, A. Wolf pleads that he was innocently borrowing a cup of sugar to bake a cake for dear granny, when he was suddenly seized by a case of the sneezes that left him huffing and puffing. Is he innocent? Per­haps not, yet this comic perspective sheds new light on

    Jon Scieszka was born in Flint, Michigan on September 8, 1954. It was a Wednesday. Right around lunchtime.

    He is the second-oldest, and nicest, of six Scieszka boys. No girls.

    His mother, Shirley, worked as a registered nurse.

    His dad, Louis, was an elementary school principal at Freeman Elementary.

    His dad's parents, Michael and Anna, came to America from Poland. "Scieszka" is a word in Polish. It means "path."


    Jon’s Parents & Grandparents

    Jon went to Culver Military Academy for high school. He had some spectacular teachers there, and became Lieutenant Scieszka.

    Jon thought about being a doctor and studied both Science and English at Albion College in Albion, Michigan. He graduated in 1976, lived in Detroit, then moved to Brooklyn, NY to write instead. He earned his MFA in Fiction from Columbia University in New York in 1980, then painted apartments.

    Not knowing what he was getting into, Jon applied for a teaching job at an elementary school called The Day School in New York City. He started as a 1st grade Assistant Teacher, graduated to teaching 2nd grade, taught 3rd and 4th grade Math, 5th grade History, and then some 6th, 7th and 8th grade.

    Teaching school, Jon re-discovered how smart kids are, and found the best audience for the weir