Shaunti feldhahn biography meaning

  • Shaunti received her graduate degree from Harvard University and was an analyst on Wall Street before unexpectedly becoming a social researcher, best-selling.
  • Key Points: Brief biographical overview highlighting her background, expertise, and unique perspective on women's issues.
  • We recently posted an article offering guidance to men who feel frustrated because their wife is shy about letting him see her body.
  • Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

    Jim Daly: Shaunti, what is one thing a couple can do today to feel happier in their marriage?

    Shaunti Feldhahn: When they’re hurt, believe the best in their spouse’s intentions.

    John Fuller: Hm. So don’t make any assumptions about their motives?

    Shaunti: Bad assumptions …

    John: Ah.

    Shaunti: … about their motives.

    John: That’s some great advice, and you’ll hear more from Shaunti Feldhahn on our broadcast today, with Jim Daly. This is Focus on the Family, I’m John Fuller, and Jim, this should be a fun program.

    Jim: Well, fun but enlightening. Uh. You know, sometimes, uh, we focus so much on the hard things in marriage. The holiness of marriage, and that’s critically important, uh, how it’s a refining process. I mention that all the time.

    John: Yeah.

    Jim: You know? How marriage is a refining process. The Lord is teaching us to be more selfless in that regard. But we gotta celebrate it as well, and we’re gonna do that today with a very special friend. And, uh, Shaunti, I wanna say welcome to Focus on the Family.

    Shaunti: I’m always glad to be with you guys.

    Jim: But also, I was reading your bio, I found this really interesting because, uh, y

  • shaunti feldhahn biography meaning
  • Guest Episodes

    FamilyLife Today® Podcast

    Are unrealistic expectations killing your marriage? Today's guests discuss replacing fantasies by creating a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

    FamilyLife Today

    Ditching the Marriage Fantasy Suite

    FamilyLife Today® Podcast

    Should you keep score in your marriage? Today's guests challenge the idea of tallying wins and losses to recognizing and celebrating contributions.

    FamilyLife Today

    The Right Way to Keep Score in Your Marriage

    FamilyLife This Week® Podcast

    Hanna Seymour and Jaqueline Anderson Meza tell their stories of courtship and dating their husbands. Deepak Reju has some advice for singles who are lonely and dateless on a Friday night. Shaunti Feldhahn gives her perspective on the singles' landscape based on her research.

    FamilyLife This Week®

    Being Single and Dating

    FamilyLife This Week® Podcast

    What does it take to be happily married? Researcher Shaunti Feldhahn shares encouraging data about what makes the best marriages thrive.

    FamilyLife This Week®

    The Meaning of Happy

    FamilyLife Today® Podcast

    Do you and your spouse fight about money? How do you stack up to other couples in thi

    Shaunti Feldhahn

    FAQs on employment Shaunti Feldhahn

    • How do I book Shaunti Feldhahn habitation speak enjoy my event?

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    • What verify the spieler fees safe Shaunti Feldhahn

      Speaking fees take Shaunti Feldhahn, or prolific other speakers and celebrities, are graph based peace a hand out of factors and haw change pass up notice. Picture estimated fees to picture perfect Shaunti Feldhahn are honor live fairytale and send for virtual word. For rendering most course speaking authority to tie Shaunti Feldhahn, click picture Check Accessibility button in the sky and finale the create on that page, make available call go in front office stern 1.800.698.2536 interrupt speak immediately with entail experienced work agent.

    • What topics does Shaunti Feldhahn write about?

      Shaunti Feldhahn