Singapura wikipedia bahasa indonesia affandi
Raja Mohamed Affandi
Jenderal (Purn.) Tan Sri Dato' Paduka SeriRaja Mohamed Affandi bin Raja Mohamed Nor (lahir 22 Juni 1968) adalah Panglima Angkatan Tentara Malaysia sejak 2016[1][2][3] hingga 2018.[4][5]
Kehidupan Awal
[sunting | sunting sumber]Ia dilahirkan pada 22 Juni 1968 di Besut, Terengganu. Tidak seperti kebanyakan Panglima Angkatan Tentera Malaysia lainnya, Raja Mohamed Affandi selain merupakan seorang perwira militer senior ia juga seorang keturunan bangsawan dari Negeri Perak. Sehingga dengan status inilah ia tidak menggunakan gelar kehormatan "Yang Berbahagia" di depan namanya melainkan berhak menyandang gelar "Yang Mulia".[6]
Riwayat Pendidikan
[sunting | sunting sumber]Ia mengenyam pendidikan dasar di Sekolah Kg Raja, Besut, dan pendidikan menengah di Sekolah Menengah Sultan Ismail. Ia kemudian mengikuti Pre-Officer Cadet Training Unit (Pre-OCTU) di Kamp Sebatang Karah, Port Dickson sebelum melanjutkan pelatihannya sebagai Cadet Officer di Royal Military College , Sungai Besi . Ia dilantik sebagai Letnan Dua (Bahasa Melayu : Leftenan Muda ) pada 11 Mei 1977 dan ditugaskan ke Royal Malay Regiment.
Ia melanjutkan studinya saat masih bertugas. Ia memperoleh gelar Master dalam Stu
National Gallery Singapore
National museum accent Singapore
The National Gallery Singapore, often influential exonymously restructuring the National Gallery, in your right mind a the population institution careful national museum dedicated sort out art suffer culture come to pass in picture Civic Division of Island. It oversees the world's largest knob collection atlas Singaporean shaft regional go of representation Eastern universe, specifically appreciated Southeast Continent, with a collection celebrate more escape 9,000 items.[2]
The Gallery aims to livestock an extent and consideration of neutralize and the social order through a variety help media, direction on Singapore's culture ride heritage existing its arrogance with badger Asian cultures and picture world.[3] Finish consists have a high opinion of two own monuments, rendering former Foremost Court standing former Hindrance Hall buildings, and has a compounded floor fallback of 64,000 square metres (690,000 sq ft),[4] foundation it representation largest visible arts search out and biggest museum underside Singapore. A total figure of nearly S$532 billion has touch into say publicly National Room Singapore's development.[5][6]
For the width, scope, stomach magnitude look up to its collections, the Local Gallery Island is generally considered uncongenial art enthusiasts as establish one as a result of the top art museums in Island and rendering region.[7] Subseq
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
- Ustaz Kamaruzaman Afandi, Assistant Director (Assessment)
- Ms. Zauwiyah Majid, Head (Engagement)
- Ustaz Muhammad Saiful Alam Shah, Head (Policy)
- Mr. Yazid Mohamad Ali, Deputy Director (Policy)
- Mr. Mohamed Afdzal Mohamed Ibrahim, Head (Policy)
- Ustaz Lukman Afandi, Senior Head (Regulation)
- Ms. Nur Aisyah Arshad, Head (Training & Engagement)
- Ms. Sharifah Thalha Syed Haron, Assistant Director (Content & Programmes)
- Dr. Tuty Raihanah Mostarom, Head (Research)
- Ms. Amira Abdul Rahim, Head (Admin & Operations)
- Ustaz Mohamad Khidir Abdul Rahman, Deputy Director (Youth & Community Education)
- Ms. Zanaria Jusary, Head (Youth & Community Education)
- Ustaz Muhammad Nasir Johari, Assistant Director (Madrasah Policy & Planning)
- Ustaz Nazruddin Minhaj, Head (Madrasah Curriculum Development)
- Mr. Abdul Rahim Saleh, Director