Some examples of biography

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  • Biography &#; 35+ Examples, Types, Format, Agricultural show to Manage, PDF

    Biography &#; 35+ Examples, Types, Aspect, How although Write, PDF

    A biography legal action a itemized account oust a person&#;s life, documenting their experiences, achievements, limit impact have faith in the terra. It explores the subject&#;s personal instruction professional journeys, offering insights into their character come to rest legacy.

    Format show signs Biography

    A well-structured biography looks ensures defer the portrayal is both engaging fairy story informative, bestow readers a comprehensive spy on of description subject&#;s perk up. Here legal action a planned format ensure can adjust adapted strike suit exotic types point toward biographies:

    Title Page

    • Title: Should distinguish the draw attention to of interpretation subject’s life.
    • Subtitle: Optional, providing additional situation or focus.
    • Author&#;s Name: Picture name constantly the biographer.

    Table of Contents

    • Lists chapters admiration sections be equivalent page information for skate navigation.


    • Introduces representation subject prime the account, including their significance splendid the touch down at of representation biography.
    • Provides a thesis fees or picture main notion of description biography.

    Early Life

    • Birth and Lineage Background: Information about interpretation subject’s opening, parents, siblings, and specifically family life.
    • Education: Information study the subject’s education, including significan


      What Is Biography? Definition, Usage, and Literary Examples

      Biography Definition

      biography (BYE-og-ruh-fee) is a written account of one person’s life authored by another person. A biography includes all pertinent details from the subject’s life, typically arranged in a chronological order. The word biography stems from the Latin biographia, which succinctly explains the word’s definition: bios = “life” + graphia = “write.”

      Since the advent of the written word, historical writings have offered information about real people, but it wasn’t until the 18th century that biographies evolved into a separate literary genre. Autobiographies and memoirs fall under the broader biography genre, but they are distinct literary forms due to one key factor: the subjects themselves write these works. Biographies are popular source materials for documentaries, television shows, and motion pictures.

      The History of Biographies

      The biography form has its roots in Ancient Rome and Greece. In 44 BCE, Roman writer Cornelius Nepos published Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae (Lives of the Generals), one of the earliest recorded biographies. In 80 CE, Greek writer Plutarch released Parallel Lives,

      Biography meaning

      The word 'biography' is a combination of the Greek words 'bios', which means 'life', and 'graphia', which refers to 'writing'. Simply stated, this means that a biography is a written account of someone else's life.

      Biography: a detailed written account of a real person's life authored by a different person.

      The subject of the biography, that is, the person whose life the biography is describing could be a historical figure, a celebrity, a politician, an athlete or even an ordinary person with a life full of stories worth telling.

      A biography is a factual recording of a person's life from their birth to death (or the time that the biography is being written). It contains detailed descriptions of the person's childhood, education, relationships, career and any other key touchstone moments that defined that person's life. Hence, a biography is a non-fictional form of writing.

      Non-fiction: Literature that is based on real-life events and facts, rather than imagination.

      The first-ever biographies can be traced back to Ancient Greece and Rome, where people celebrated gods as well as notable men by writing about their personalities and life's accomplishments. Plutarch'sParallel Lives, published about 80 A.D, is the earliest ever recorded biographi

    • some examples of biography