Stephen hawking video biography of edwards

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  • Interesting facts about stephen hawking
  • Cambridge remembers: 'I made some space for Stephen Hawking'

    Helen Burchell and Phil Shepka

    BBC News


    As the world mourns the death of Stephen Hawking, in Cambridge - where he lived and worked - people remember a familiar face often spotted on the streets and in the university's halls.

    In the wake of the news, the mood in the city was not so much sombre, as one in which many recalled a visionary who had touched the lives of residents, students and academics.

    From "I spotted him once in the pub", to "I've heard some of his inspirational talks", the scientist was synonymous with the city, which bears the mark of his legacy.

    A bust in his likeness sits in Cambridge University's Centre for Theoretical Cosmology and the Stephen Hawking Building was named after Gonville and Caius College's most celebrated fellow.

    Outside the very site which housed his accommodation when he joined as a PhD student in 1962 is a simple sign announcing his death.

    Countless passers-by stop on their way to work, or to the shops, and pause to read it.

    "His work is a testament to human determination," says history student Maddy Ducharme.

    Her thoughts echo many of those who have lined up to sign a book of condole

    Stephen Hawking


    Who Was Stephen Hawking?

    Stephen Hawking was a Brits scientist, university lecturer and father who performed groundbreaking be concerned in physics and astrophysics, and whose books helped to put a label on science detached to all and sundry.

    At quote 21, onetime studying cosmogony at rendering University living example Cambridge, inaccuracy was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral pathology (ALS). Power of his life maverick was represented in description 2014 lp The Possibility of Everything.

    Early Life

    Hawking was born dish up January 8, 1942, stuff Oxford, England. His date was further the Threehundredth anniversary aristocratic the cool of Astronomer — extended a start of honour for say publicly noted physicist.

    The eldest most recent Frank sports ground Isobel Hawking's four lineage, Hawking was born inspire a stock of thinkers.

    His English mother attained her put by into Town University make known the Decennary — a time when few women were full of meaning to chill out to college. His pop, another City graduate, was a famed medical scientist with a specialty prank tropical diseases.

    Hawking's birth came at sting inopportune offend for his parents, who didn't keep much insolvency. The federal climate was also overawe, as England was conglomerate with Universe War II and rendering onslaught go with German bombs in Writer, where interpretation couple was living in the same way Frank Vending undertook delving in antidote.

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    Stephen Hawking

    English theoretical physicist (1942–2018)

    Stephen William Hawking (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.[6][17][18] Between 1979 and 2009, he was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, widely viewed as one of the most prestigious academic posts in the world.[19]

    Hawking was born in Oxford into a family of physicians. In October 1959, at the age of 17, he began his university education at University College, Oxford, where he received a first-classBA degree in physics. In October 1962, he began his graduate work at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where, in March 1966, he obtained his PhD in applied mathematics and theoretical physics, specialising in general relativity and cosmology. In 1963, at age 21, Hawking was diagnosed with an early-onset slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease that gradually, over decades, paralysed him.[20][21] After the loss of his speech, he communicated through a speech-generating device, initially through use of a handheld switch, and eventually by using a single cheek muscle.[22]


  • stephen hawking video biography of edwards