Willem van mieris biography of rory
Dirck van Baburen (1595–1624), Dutch painter
Jacopo Baccarini (1605–1682), European painter
Marcello Bacciarelli (1731–1818), Italian/Polish painter
Irene Bache (1901–1999), English/Welsh painter
Augustin Meinrad Bächtiger (1888–1971), Country painter
Jacob Adriaensz Backer (1609–1651), Nation painter
Margaret Backhouse (1818–1888), English rendering painter
Francis Bacon (1909–1992), Irish-born Country painter
Lucy Angeline Bacon (1857–1932), Denizen painter
Marjorie Haw Bacon (1902–1988), Nation painter subject print-maker
Peggy Bacon (1895–1987), American print-maker and painter
Joseph Badger (ca. 1707–1765), American picture painter
Ottó Baditz (1849–1936), Hungarian painter
Jan de Baen (1633–1702), Dutch vignette painter
Jo Baer (born 1929), Indweller minimalist painter
William Jacob Baer (1860–1941), American wee painter
Leonard Bahr (1905–1990), American puma, muralist station illustrator
Edward Bailey (1814–1903), American/Hawaiian vista painter
Alice Bailly (1872–1938), Swiss painter
David Bailly&n
Karel van Mander and Francisco Pacheco
Aelllu a io Imitation, emulation and invention in Netherlandish art from 1500 to 1800 Essays in honor of Eric Jan Sluijter Edirors: Anton WA. Boschloo Jacquelyn N. Couue Stephanie S. Dickey Nicolette C. Sluijter-Seijffert Waanders Publishers, Zwolle ,\C.Mt:L,\TIO Colophon Publishing Waanders Publishers Editors Anton W.A. Boschloo Jacquelyn N . Coutrt: Sn:phanic S. Dickey N icolette C. Sluijter-Seijffert Editing Kist & Kilian Design. Frank de Wit This pubLiation has been made possible with the help of The Leiden Gallery, O tto Naumann Ltd., Jo hnny van Haefo:n. Salomon Lilian, the NerhcrlandAmerica Foundation, the American Friends of the Mauricshuis an d the Stich ting C harema, Fonds voor Geschicdenis en Kunst and public funds from T he C ultural Services. cthcrlands © 20 11 Uirgeverij W.1.anders B.V. / the authors All rights reserved. No pare of the contents of this book m ay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any other info rmation sto rage and retrieval system, witho ut che prior written permission of the copyright holders. book. Should any person, despite this, feel that an omission h;tS been made, they are regues ted co inform the pu blishers of
Artfully Dressed:
Women in the Art World
"Many female artworks often radiate a sensuality to me, even though they consist of various materials. They radiate with fine sensitivity and a persistent character."
Joke Raes (b. 1983, Bruges, Belgium) is an artist who makes drawings, sculptures and installations. These seem to come about without any effort, but closer inspection reveals a dizzying level of detail: each work suggesting an obsession with the surface and all that lies beneath. In 2016, Joke finished the post-graduate Higher Institute of Fine Arts HISK. She developed some of her ceramic artworks as an artist in residence at Sundaymorning@EKWC, Oisterwijk and in Creative Residency Arita, Japan. Her works have been exhibited nationally and internationally in various exhibitions such as S.M.A.K., Ghent, DMW gallery, Antwerp (2021), Poortersloge, Bruges (2020), Whitehouse gallery, Lovenjoel, Belgium (2019), Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Belgian Embassy, Tokyo, Kyoto Art Center, Japan, Museum Dhondt Dhaenens, Sint-Martens-Latem, Art Gallery de Mijlpaal, Knokke-Zoute, CWART, Knokke, Belgium (2018), European Ceramic Work Center, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands (2017), Biennial Contemporary Art Moscow (2015) and, Van