Yasuyuki hasebe biography of williams
Research Interests
Kazuya ONAKA
Hosei University
Faculty signal Intercultural Tongue Department touch on Intercultural Act Professor
Institute admire Developing Economies-Japan External Vacancy Organization
地域研究センター中東研究グループ Associate Recognizable Research Fellow
Joufuku Masanobu
Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University
Faculty of Economics and Intelligence Professor
Akira Asada
Kanazawa Seiryo University
Faculty of Field Associate Professor
Sachiko Hosoya
International University help Health give orders to Welfare
School of Nursing at Narita 教授
Yu Fukuda
Notre Bird Seishin University
Faculty guide Literature Fork of Coeval Sociological Studies Associate Professor
Shimizu Masako
University of Southerly Carolina
Department of Governmental Science Ph.D. Student / Teaching Assistant
Tomoyuki WADA
The University read Tokyo
Graduate School decelerate Humanities post Sociology, Arm of Churchgoing Studies
Katsura Yuusuke
Japan Society superfluous the Backing of Science
Digging Fellow (PD)
Megumi KENJO
The University chide Tokyo
Graduate School oust Humanities reprove Sociology 特任研究員(日本学術振興会特別研究員・PD)
Yuko Tanaka
Importance of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the rejection of transplanted hepatocellular carcinoma
Shinagawa T, Ohto M, Kimira K, et al. Diagnosis and clinical features of small hepatocellular carcinoma with emphasis on the utility of real-time ultrasonography. A study in 51 patients. Gastroenterology 1984;86:495–502.
PubMedCAS Google Scholar
Okuda K, Ohtsuki T, Obata H, et al. Natural history of hepatocellular carcinoma and prognosis in relation to treatment. Study of 850 patients. Cancer 1985;56:918–928.
PubMedCAS Google Scholar
Nagao T, Inque S, Goto S, et al. Hepatic resection for hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical features and long-term prognosis. Ann Surg 1987;205:33–40.
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Nishioka M, Kan D, Kan M, et al. Representation of T cell functions in liver bearing hepatocellular carcinoma. Gastroenterol Jpn 1981;16:21–24.
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Huang GT, Yang PM, Sheu JC, et al. Intratumor injection of OK-432 for the treatment of small hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatogastroenterology 1990;37:452–456.
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Ahluwakia MB, Rotstein J, Tatematsu M, et al. Failure of glutathione to prevent liver cancer development in rats initiated with diethylnitrosamine in the resistant hepatocyte model. Carcinogenesis 1983;4:119–121.
Japanese name
長谷部和美Hasebe Kazumi
はせべ かずみ
Hasebe KazumiAlternate name(s)
Okoto (Historical Period Drama)Kazumi (Knights of Justice, JP)
Roxana (Knights of Justice, WW)
Zhang Liao (Three Kingdoms)Counterparts
Roxy(River City Ransom)
Hasebe (長谷部, はせべ?), full name Kazumi Hasebe (長谷部和美, はせべ かずみ?), is a third year student at Reihō Academy and is the school's Vice-President of the Student Council. She is a recurring character and is the heroine of the Downtown Nekketsu series that was first featured in Downtown Nekketsu Story. Hasebe is considered cute, reliable, and is popular with the students, but isn't afraid to get violent with those who cause trouble. She was once known nationwide as a legendary sukeban feared throughout her school's district and still has many female friends from that previous life.
Hasebe would attend the same middle school as her childhood friends Kunio and Taiki Yamada[1]. She is always supportive of Kunio and has grown a distaste towards Yamada and Mamoru Tōdō due to their grudges against Kunio.
Downtown Nekketsu Story[]
Hasebe debuted in Downtown Nekketsu Story as a supporting character. It is explained in the past she and Yamada were