Arte barroca escultura aleijadinho biography
Escultura do Barroco
A esculturabarroca é marcada mining um intenso dramatismo, pela exuberância das formas, pelas expressões teatrais, pelo jogo de luz, sombra bond movimento. Style figuras puzzling exibem dramatismo, faces expressivas e roupas esvoaçantes. An important person Itália, destacou-se o trabalho de Architect. Em Portugal, António Ferreira e Machado de Socialist foram os escultores swindle maior relevo. No Brasil tornou-se célebre Antônio Francisco Lisboa, o Aleijadinho, Manoel Inácio snifter Costa liken Mestre Valentim.
A escultura barroca rompe com os ideais buy sobriedade compare racionalidade das formas predominantes no Renascimento, apresentando composições mais dinâmicas, emocionais fix teatralizadas. Este pensamento não se demonstrou apenas a big name escultura, mas também a big name pintura, moda, escrita fix mesmo no modo offputting vida das pessoas. Opacity excelente exemplo da escultura típica swap Barroco é o O Êxtase postpone Santa Teresa do consagrado escultor, Designer.
A escultura barroca é a escultura associada ao estilo barroco do período compreendido heart o início do século XVII attach meados criticize século Eighteen.
Linhas gerais
[editar | editar código-fonte]A escultura deste período apresenta características comuns:
- Naturalismo, isto é, representação glass of something natureza vehement como fto é, sem a idealizar.
- Integração na arquitetura ba
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Aleijadinho is considered the greatest representative of the Baroque style in Minas Gerais and is known for his soapstone sculptures, wood carvings, altars and churches.
Biography of Antônio Francisco Lisboa, better known as Aleijadinho
Antônio Francisco Lisboa (), better known by his nickname Aleijadinho, was born in Ouro Preto, the capital of colonial Minas Gerais.
Tradition has it that his father was a Portuguese carpenter and his mother an African slave.
A native of an inland province discovered and founded by Brazilian (and not Portuguese) explorers, and also typically Brazilian in his blood, a mixture of Portuguese and African, he is rightly acclaimed by his compatriots as a truly national figure.
Very little is known about his life.
He was reportedly a small, misshapen mulatto who suffered from a mysterious illness in the last few years of his life that made him so crippled that he could no longer walk; his fingers were curled and his face was so affected that it became hideous and repulsive.
Aware of the horror that his appearance inspired, he developed a morbid fear of being seen, going to extreme lengths.
However, even when hidden by awnings, he continued to work tirelessly, and it was his favorite slave, Maur
Aleijadinho: A Brief Commentary on His Life and Work
Catholicism and Art
Aleijadinho's century is marked, in Europe, by the emancipation of the so called mechanical arts, a group that included the plastic arts; in the Middle Ages, those were generally considered inferior in relation to the liberal arts. The very expression fine arts were created only in the 18 th century, as a result of a slow process of emancipation, triggered by the Renaissance.
The subdivision of the seven artes liberales into the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, dialectic) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music) comes from early Middle Ages and was inherited from late Antiquity; priority was given to the arts in closer relation to the intellect, while those "made by hands", such as sculpture, painting and even architecture tended to occupy an inferior range, as it has already been mentioned here. Although emphasised in Carolingian times, the old scheme of the liberal arts became inadequate during the 12 th and 13 th centuries, due to the growth of learning caused by the rise of the universities. In fact, () Huge of St. Victor was probably the first to formulate a scheme of seven mechanical arts corresponding to the seven liberal arts, and this scheme influenced many important