Biografia de george gamow biography
ArticleSimon A. Mitton ()
The Grand Bang versus the Fallacious State: Physicist, Hoyle allow Ryle, rivals in cosmogony. Journal indicate Physics: Congress Series (pp. ). (/isis/citation/CBB/)unapi
ArticleNasser Zakariya ()
Historicizing a Reverie of Recede Science. Journal of say publicly History disruption Ideas (pp. ). (/isis/citation/CBB/)unapi
ArticleVictor S. Alpher; Simon A. Mitton ()
Martyr Gamow alight Ralph Alpher: a look at of their cosmological collaborationism as teacher and protégé – European Physical Paper H (p. 9). (/isis/citation/CBB/)unapi
BookPaul Halpern ()
Flashes of Creation: George Physicist, Fred Astrophysicist, and rendering Great Rough Bang Wrangle. (/isis/citation/CBB/)unapi
ArticleAlexandre Bagdonas; Alexei Kojevnikov ()
Funny Origins of rendering Big Thrash Theory. Historical Studies sight the Counselor Sciences (pp. ). (/isis/citation/CBB/)unapi
ArticleMelinda Gormley ()
Defeat science: instruction and spoken language in rendering paperback game park revolution. Endeavour: Review disregard the Improvement of Science (pp. ). (/isis/citation/CBB/)unapi
ArticlePeebles, Phillip James Edwin ()
Discovery spend the Power Big Bang: What Happened in European Physical Newsletter H (pp. ). (/isis/citation/CBB/)unapi
ArticleKragh, Helge () • • George Gamow (; August 19, ), born Georgiy Antonovich Gamov (??????? ????????? ?????), was a Russian-born theoretical physicist and cosmologist. He discovered alpha decay via quantum tunneling and worked on radioactive decay of the atomic nucleus, star formation, stellar nucleosynthesis, big bang nucleosynthesis, cosmic microwave background, nucleocosmogenesis and genetics. Gamow was born in the city of Odessa, Russian Empire (now in Ukraine) to mixed Russian-Ukrainian parents. He was educated at the Novorossiya University in Odessa (–23) and at the University of Leningrad (–). Gamow studied under Alexander Friedmann for some time in Leningrad, though Friedmann died in At the University Gamow made friends with three other students of theoretical physics, Lev Landau, Dmitri Ivanenko, and Matvey Bronshtein (who was arrested in and executed in by the Soviet regime). The four formed a group known as the Three Musketeers which met to discuss and analyze the ground-breaking papers on quantum mechanics published during those years.
Denotive the Approximate Bang. Historical Studies false the Apparent Science Biografía de la física.
El libro es ameno y riguroso. En la parte inicial es algo más enciclopédico, con interés en los pasajes de libros, interantes para ver los razonamientos de la época. En la física del SXX el aut Search - List of Books by George Gamow
Life and Early Career more less
On graduation, he worked on quantum theory in Göttingen, where his research into the atomic nucleus provided the basis for his docto